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Formative Assessment.

Formative assessment is very important because they provide insight into student learning while ensuring that all students are reaching the learning outcomes. The main forms of formative assessment that I used throughout my PS1 was “fist-to-five” and regular checking during work time.



A fist-to-five is when students represent their level of understanding by holding up a number of fingers. I enjoyed using this approach because it used a range of understanding that extended past a simple “yes” or “no”.  I put this image into my google slides at the end of each lesson to signal to my students to give me a “fist-to-five” . This technique also helped to remind myself to check in at the end of each lesson.


Regular Check-ins

Regular check ins were a staple in every lesson that I taught during my PS1. Not only was I able to get a personal gage on how students were feeling with the material, but able to strengthen my relationship with each student. These check-ins looked like me circulating the classroom, small group conversations, and often a spot check on their work (which they somehow turned into a game!). Beside is an image of my students lining up to get their work checked. They thought it was hilarious to get their work checked, rotate to the back of the line, complete their work while in line, and then get it checked again!


Behind every student who believes in themselves is a Teacher who believed in them first. - Dr Adolf Brown

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